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Stream tracking without the mobile app

You can stream track using paper datasheets and alternatives to the mobile app for photos and navigation

What you will need

Paper datasheet
GPS navigation

Download and print

the paper datasheet below or make one of your own with columns for time/date, site name, latitude, longitude, flow condition, comments, and if you took a photo (y/n)

You will need to record the site coordinates using either a handheld GPS or a device that can determine your location (i.e., smartphone).

Photos are optional but you will need a camera or photo device (i.e., a camera phone) if you wish to upload a photo with your observation. 

Entering data

Using a computer, you can navigate to either of the following sites in which Stream Tracker has a project page where you can enter your data. You will need to create an account and join the Stream Tracker project on that site before you enter your data. Which platform you use is your preference based on your comfort level. Reach out to us directly for further assistance.


This is the platform that also supports the mobile app. You will need to create an account and join Stream Tracker on the project page

Add data using

This is the platform that houses the majority of our data as it is the platform we started Stream Tracker on. You will need to create a account and join Stream Tracker on the project page

Add data using

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